Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!


Shaking, aching, crawling, and pain—we all know somebody with Restless Leg Syndrome.  There are medications for that… if you don’t mind the myriad of side effects that come along with them.  Tune in for what may be the simplest protocol we’ve ever discussed… and get rid of restless legs forever! 


[00:02:10] Restless Leg—what’s the connection? 

[00:02:30] Grace’s testimony: “It’s like a miracle!”

[00:04:40] Lessons from Gross Anatomy I

[00:06:40] Action potential run amok—stop the insanity! 

[00:10:20] The secret ingredient… and how to get it where it needs to be to work its magic!

[00:15:45] Not just any calcium—find out why!

[00:20:05] A bonus protocol for ONLY those listening

[00:20:20] What if sugar is the problem? 

[00:22:00] But what about magnesium? 

[00:24:50] The problem with Roundup

[00:26:20] Why mountains are immovable and why we shouldn’t eat them

[00:27:10] Want restless legs?  Take Tums! 

[00:29:15] What not to do if you have restless legs.

[00:30:00] What do rigor mortis and Restless Leg Syndrome have in common?

[00:34:50] The kinds of things you can look forward to if you choose medication.

[00:36:55] Side effects of nutritional supplements used to cure RLS. 

[00:39:35] 4 minutes to ending restless legs.  Do you have 4 minutes?

Direct download: 21_Restless_Legs_and_How_to_Stop_the_Shaking_and_Pain_Forever_21.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:32pm EDT


Get Rid of Skin Cancer Without Losing Your Tan? Think you know what causes skin cancer and how best to prevent it?  Think again!  Listen as Dr. Jack and Mary Stockwell share some forbidden information about what REALLY causes skin cancer.  The truth will surprise you.


[00:00:45] How you REALLY CAN prevent skin cancer

[00:02:45] Our crazy Utah statistics on melanoma, autism, sugar consumption, psychotropic drugs, obesity, and fat consumption

[00:04:20] Hear about the new drug therapy for melanoma

[00:05:10] Some really interesting facts about melanoma you may not have known

[00:06:10] Can measles cure cancer?

[00:07:30] Hear Brittany’s story: misguided solutions

[00:12:00] The wonders of Vitamin D and where it comes from

[00:13:50] Cancer and growth factors, oh my!

[00:15:30] What Johns Hopkins has to say about sugar… ahem

[00:18:30] Photosynthesis in humans… Sounds productive

[00:22:30] Is there a catch-22? Do some people need to stay out of the sun?

[00:24:00] Why one person gets cancer and the other doesn’t

[00:30:10] Essential nutrients for skin and immune health you do not know about

[00:32:00] What would a reasonable person want to know? 

[00:36:30] Are your skin cells healthy enough to die?

[00:37:30] Your body does not "have" an immune system it "is" an immune system


[00:46:50] Final Comments from a virologist

Download A Transcription Of This Show: Click Here

Direct download: 20_How_to_REALLY_Prevent_Skin_Cancer_20v2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:51pm EDT

The REAL Cause of Heart Attacks [Episode #19]


The Real Cause of Heart Attack—Running for Your Life!


“Heart disease is on the rise”—we hear it all the time, don’t we?  


“Every year about 735,000 Americans have a heart attack.” (CDC)


“About 15% of people who have a heart attack will die from it.” (CDC)


There is no doubt about it—heart attack is serious business.  Many people are at risk and countless lives are affected greatly by the repercussions of heart attacks.  But there are some things we don’t know—some forbidden truth being held back—that has the potential to better our chances and change the way we treat and prevent heart attacks.  We’re going to share that information with you today.  It’s up to you to put it into action.   

First of all, let’s be sure we’re on the same page about what causes heart attack, because if we’re going to make a real difference, we need to be clear on what heart attack is and what the underlying problem is in order to address it appropriately.  According to the American Heart Association, the two main causes of heart attack are:  arterial blockage (also known as an “occlusion”) and arterial spasm.  It is important to note that arterial spasm can occur both in normal or blocked arteries.  It is also important to understand that only 40% of heart attacks leading to death are caused by occlusion, the other 60% by arterial spasm.  


Also according to the American Heart Association, “We’re not sure what causes a spasm.”  


I’d like to challenge that notion, if you don’t mind.  


Just a brief lesson in basic biology—hang with me.  We have two main branches of the nervous system:  the central nervous system, which has to do with motor nerve control, enabling us to get up, walk around, and do all the voluntary things that we do with our bodies, and the autonomic nervous system, which is the automatic function, controlling things like digestion, sleeping, elimination, detoxification, growth, and all the other things that our bodies are doing without us having to think about them.  


Now within the autonomic nervous system, there are two arms, known as the sympathetic, better understood with regard to our “fight or flight” response, and the parasympathetic, which runs our “rest and digest” mode.  These two arms work in union with each other, essentially speeding up and slowing down as needed, depending whether it’s time to run for your life or to just keep things relaxed and business as usual.  


Here is the problem, folks.  


We’re not getting out of “fight or flight” mode.  We are constantly “running for our lives,” in regard to work, kids, the mortgage, social situations—we are never just “resting and digesting.”  We are under constant attack from the demands of work and home, under constant oppression from environmental toxins, and what’s more, we’re not even feeding ourselves to appropriately fuel for all the craziness of life we have to endure.  We are running on empty.  This is 60% of the heart attack epidemic.  This is why it’s time to take control of what we can control, say no to the rat race, to the pressure to “keep up with the Joneses,” to the sleepless nights, and the madness of our modern, western lifestyles.  Take back real food.  Take back rest.  Take back that forbidden doctor within that knows exactly what you need when you need it.  You owe it to yourself.


For more information on heart attack and its causes, please refer to Episode #18.

Download A Transcript Of This Show: Click Here

Direct download: FDR19Forbidden_Cause_of_Heart_Attack_19.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:06pm EDT

How To Prevent Blood Clots And Edema On Your Next Flight [Episode #18]

Have you ever experienced swollen ankles when flying in an airplane?  How about trouble fitting your shoes on your feet from time to time?  Have your socks ever left an indentation in your lower leg that just seems to linger?  Do you just know you’re carrying extra water weight?

Sometimes these things happen due to natural hormone cycles or a bout of less than stellar nutritional choices.  Sometimes adding some high-quality protein into the diet is just the trick you need to put an end to the puffiness. 

But sometimes these little inconveniences—these minor discomforts—are your body’s way of signaling that there is a much more serious problem at hand. 

If we’re talking about a serious, medical edema, chances are we are talking about (A) the heart, wherein the heart isn’t pumping fluid strongly enough to overcome the force of gravity to get the fluid back to the upper part of the body, resulting in swelling in the lower parts, i.e. the legs and feet, or (B) the kidneys, where the body is simply not getting rid of excess fluids. 

Now it goes without saying that if you find yourself in a crisis situation, you need to submit to crisis medical care.  But that does not mean that you shouldn’t also address the reason for the crisis and work on healing that underlying problem. 

So let’s talk about the heart.  The heart is the first organ in the body to suffer from malnutrition, which is why we are seeing more and more heart conditions in younger and younger people.  However, the really amazing thing about the heart is that it is also very quick to respond to good nutrition.  We have demonstrated this with patients by listening to their heart sounds with the endocardiograph, providing them with high-quality nutritional supplements, and then after a matter of minutes, listening to the heart once again.  The difference is astounding! See the picture below of a before and after.

As I mentioned, another cause of medical edema can be kidney dysfunction.  Specifically, disease or damage can cause an accumulation of fluid in the lower legs and feet.  And again, rather than the diuretic medications created to force the kidneys to get rid of excess fluid waste, we choose to feed the kidneys with high-quality nutritional supplements. 

And this topic just wouldn’t be complete without a little nod to everyone’s favorite organ, the liver.  Everything we eat comes through the liver in digested form before entering the bloodstream—the same bloodstream that supplies both your heart and kidneys Your liver throws itself on a toxic grenade for you every day to keep you alive and it can get tired We have a PLAN for that too! 

So follow your doctor’s advice.  Take the medications he prescribes.  But don’t simply cover up the symptoms of a larger problem.  Address the reason for the problem.  And when that problem subsides, return to your doctor for reevaluation and work to wean off of the medications.  A good doctor will be happy to see your progress, and you can rest better at night knowing you’ve listened to that “forbidden doctor” inside you that knows the way to restore and rebuild.

Download A Transcript Of This Episode: Click Here

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:35pm EDT