Forbidden Doctor: Revealing Forbidden Health Secrets!
Breastfeeding And Infertility - Are They Connected? [Episode #12]

The Age of Infertility: Wisdom from Pottenger’s Cats

For thousands of years the image of a pregnant woman, round and radiating with health, sometimes with an older baby at the breast, has been the sign of Mother Nature’s approval of our species. We see these kinds of pictures in National Geographic. The woman is content, nourished… glowing. The babies are satisfied at her breast or comfortably perched on her hip… content.

Have you noticed the fading quality of this image here at home, in the United States? The increasing concern of infertility? The diminished ability to breastfeed? The rise in infant death and sickly children?

Let’s take a moment to address some of the forbidden information surrounding what’s going on and how we can begin to turn this thing around as a society.

There was a man named Dr. Pottenger, who in the 1930s-1940s did some very interesting work with cats. To make a long story short, he fed groups of cats varying diets and then compared them over time to note the health of each generation, including lifespan, the incidence of disease, and reproductive capacity. What he found was that cats fed a diet of either pasteurized milk or cooked meat, in contrast to those fed raw milk or raw meat, had significantly shortened lifespan, increased incidence of chronic, degenerative disease, and by the third generation, an overwhelming prevalence of infertility.

So let’s think about this for just a minute. Sure, we are humans, not cats. But did you know that the nervous system of cats is remarkably close to that of humans? So while our experiences may not be identical, we should at the very least take note of generational trends and knowledge that may be applied toward preserving our own species.

Perhaps you have seen the cover of… oh, just about any magazine at the grocery store checkout. Can we agree that almost all of the featured women appear to be… well… hungry? Is it any wonder Mother Nature is deselecting these women, and many others like them, when it comes to the ability to bear children?

Don’t get me wrong. This is no indictment against women of today. We are simply responding as a society, as a culture, to the misinformation provided us by the regulatory powers that be. “Don’t eat fat.” “Don’t eat salt.” “Don’t eat meat.” “Sanitize everything.” “Pasteurize everything.” We respond with a fear of fat, a fear of animal foods, a fear of bacteria—the very things we must have to survive and thrive.

Women who eat what they crave—fat, salt, meat, including plenty of RAW foods, yes, even milk, just like Pottenger’s cats—have healthy hormonal systems, bear healthy children, and feed them healthy, rich, life-giving, RAW milk. This perpetuates the cycle and those children grow up to do the same. 

Our fertility and our children’s fertility is well within our control. That forbidden doctor—our innate intelligence—longs to cooperate with nature in bringing about generations and generations of healthy, robust offspring to carry our genetic material far into the future. Think about that as you set the table tonight. Are you following all the “rules,” or are you eating what you crave? Let’s shake things up and make a move toward really living.

What you will learn in this episode:

  1. Why almost nobody ever gets cancer of the upper intestine and how it relates to breastfeeding, infertility, and death.
  2. Hear a report on breastfeeding and how good intentions went wrong.
  3. What the United States Dairy Association does with cows’ milk.
  4. Raw milk? Pasteurized milk? Which is better/safer?
  5. Why mother’s milk is so incredibly vital to a newborn.
  6. Dr. Francis Pottenger Jr., and his cats.
  7. A story of how one woman got rid of all the tumors in her two Dobermans from cancer, within four months.
  8. Infertility: if a woman has low-fat content, has nature already deselected her for reproduction?
  9. Options for women who are unable to nurse- other than commercial formula.
  10. Sugar is the number one fuel of cancer cells.
  11. Why one in 40 boys in Utah are autistic. Why some of the best minds in this country—a professor at MIT—says by 2025, it’ll be one in two.
  12. Why aren’t we as concerned as we are about pasteurizing milk, and not being as careful as that with vaccinations?

Download a transcript of the show: Click Here

Direct download: 12_Breast_Feeding_Infertility_and_Death_12.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:06pm EDT

Avoiding Colon Cancer Is Easier Than You Think [Episode #11]

Not Just Extra Parts

“You don’t need it.”  

“It doesn’t really do anything.”  

“We can just take that out.”

Let’s talk about your gall bladder—what it does and why it’s not just an “extra part” that can be done away with at the first hint of something gone awry.  

While it’s true gall bladder attacks can be excruciating experiences and that there are times when the gall bladder is so diseased that immediate removal is not only necessary, but a blessing, these situations are the exception, not the rule.  With 600,000 cholecystectomies performed every year, it behooves us to know when true crisis care is unavoidable and when we can rely on that “forbidden doctor” inside us to bring about healing and wholeness to the body.   

The gall bladder is to bile what the urinary bladder is to urine—it’s a holding tank.  Your liver produces approximately a quart of bile per day, and the gall bladder holds it until it’s called upon to spit out the exact amount needed when the fat you eat reaches the small intestine.  It is an integral part of the disassembly process to break down food into its usable components.  

So what happens when you have your gall bladder removed?  

First of all, just like without a urinary bladder you would experience some… ahem… embarrassing dripping of fluids, without a gall bladder to act as a holding tank for bile, it will constantly drip into the small intestine, unchecked.  Because more bile is produced at some times than others, you will at times digest fats with ease but may encounter discomfort at times of low production.  This inhibits your body’s ability to emulsify fats and to utilize fat-soluble vitamins necessary for the health of every system.  In addition, that constant flow of bile into the small intestine creates an alkaline environment, which puts you at significant risk of colorectal issues, including but not limited to cancer.  

So what can we do to keep the gall bladder in good health, and if we’ve already had it removed, how can we protect the body from serious repercussions?  

Plant and animal foods have been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.  Many, such as beets, milk thistle, dandelion, and gentian, are ideal for decongesting the liver, which goes a long way to establishing healthy gall bladder function.  Eating what you crave—fats, salts, protein—also gives the gall bladder ample opportunity to practice spitting out healthful doses of bile, exactly what it was created to do.  Now if you don’t have a gall bladder, it is imperative that you supplement with bile salts, lactic acid yeast wafers for an acidified colon, and those fat-soluble vitamins we talked about, which are crucial to the health of all body systems.  

So educate yourself!  Do your research, consult that forbidden doctor within, and provide your body with the necessary and beneficial nourishment it craves in order to heal.  After all, the body is set to restore and rebuild—not to degenerate.  That gall bladder is there for a reason.  It’s not just an “extra part!”  Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise. 

What you will learn in this episode:


  1. What part of you that you need to keep to avoid colon cancer.
  2. How we helped a patient turn her gangrene gall bladder into a healthy gall bladder in 11 months.
  3. Why we are asking doctors the wrong questions, and what are the right ones to ask.
  4. What does the gall bladder do and why it is best friends with your liver.
  5. Why the pancreas is so important.
  7. Cleanses? Paleo diets? Broth before meals? Acidic versus Alkaline?
  8. How you have the biggest disassembly line in the world inside of you.
  9. Why it’s so important to simply eat what you crave.
  10. What happens to your body when a gall bladder is removed.
  11. Why it is so critical to emulsify fats so you can break down all the fat-soluble vitamins (which, by the way, are all the vitamins except for two).
  12. We go there: talking stool, light colored stools, hard stools, impacted stools...
  13. The good news: the cells in the stomach or anything in the digestive tract turn over almost every day.
  14. Why those that get their gall bladders out have much more incidence of colon cancers and heart problems.
  15. How every cell in the body requires fat.

Download a transcript of this show! Click Here

Direct download: 11_Do_You_Want_Colon_Cancer_11.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:32pm EDT

The Ultimate Pain Remedy - NUCCA (Part 2) [Episode #10]

What Upper Cervical Chiropractic Can Do For You

So we’ve talked about WHY I’m an NUCCA doctor—and for those of you who haven’t read last week’s blog post or listened to the podcast, I encourage you to do that HERE. Today I want to share with you some of the amazing things that upper cervical chiropractic can DO and why I believe this type of noninvasive correction, above other forms of chiropractic, has the power to allow healing and enhance quality of life for everyone.

1. It doesn’t have to be a lifetime commitment. Perhaps you have heard the joke: “How many chiropractors does it take to change a light bulb?” “Only one, but he has to come back 100 times.” Would you go back to the same dentist for the same tooth over and over and over again? Of course not! With upper cervical chiropractic, we aim to come as close to “one and done” as humanly possible. You analyze the spine and find the origin of the problem, fix it, maintain it just until the body begins to hold the correction on its own, and that’s it. No membership or second mortgage required. Some corrections take a bit more time than others, depending on the severity and duration of the issue at hand, but the goal, no matter how much we like seeing you in the clinic, is always to get you fixed and get you out of there so that you can move forward with your healing and tell others about what upper cervical chiropractic can do for them.

2. If there was just one bone within the spine that could be adjusted that would bring everything else back into alignment, upper cervical chiropractic’s got you covered. When I first went to school for chiropractic, I could not bring myself to believe that simple corrections to the atlas was all that was needed to bring alignment to the whole body. But research and experience have proved the effectiveness of this type of correction time and time again. For more about how upper cervical chiropractic works, what it can accomplish, and how you can find a board certified practitioner, please visit the NUCCA website for further information.

3. Structure underlies function. The nervous system is the network of communication between the body and the brain, and it all passes through the delicate opening at the top of the neck. Compression of these nerves has the potential to disrupt the entire body and its messaging. Because of this, upper cervical chiropractic, with its gentle, simple corrections to that part of the spine, can free those nerves and allow healing to take place at nearly every turn. Conditions ranging from diarrhea or constipation in childhood, migraine, and torticollis, to seizures, MS, and even Parkinson’s can be positively improved by this type of chiropractic because all of these are regulated and controlled by the nervous system. We see all this and more in our clinic on a regular basis—a multitude of lives changed, completely turned around. But don’t take my word for it. Go to MY WEBSITE to check out what those who have experienced these life-changing corrections have to say about their health transformations.

What We Talk About:

  1. What we talk about:
  2. How and why the NUCCA Chiropractic technique is different and gentle.
  3. A story about the truth of how dangerous, forbidden information can be to those it threatens.
  4. How things like restless legs, seizures, ear aches, and knee pain can be embarrassingly easy to fix through the NUCCA technique.
  5. Why Dr. Jack is as much a nerve doctor as he is a bone doctor.
  6. Are Chiropractors spending time in jail?
  7. Why being a Board Certified NUCCA Chiropractor is so hard to achieve, and why it is so important.
  8. Understanding how NUCCA chiropractic care isn’t necessarily required only on the occasions that you are hurting, or have low back pain, or have migraines, it is so much more than just straightening out the structure.
  9. The NUCCA technique is so gentle- you might not even feel it! Hear Mary tell us her story of her first correction.
  10. Discussion of several success stories including C-section misalignment babies, babies with plagiocephalic torticollis, and a 60-year-old man who had over 1,800 migraines.
  11. Maybe it’s not always “you’re just getting old?” Ear infections, difficulty breathing, colic, diarrhea, constipation in early childhood, and much much more—all of these things are regulated and controlled by the nervous system.

Download a transcript of this show! Click Here

Direct download: 10_Forbidden_Pain_Remedy__NUCCA_Part_2_10.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:58pm EDT

The Ultimate Pain Remedy - NUCCA (Part 1) [Episode #9]

“Why I Am A NUCCA Doctor"

First of all, just what the heck IS a NUCCA doctor?  Well, the letters stand for National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association, and the application focuses on the nervous system and how it is affected by spinal misalignment, specifically as it pertains to the upper cervical vertebrae, the juncture between the brain and the body.  Correcting these misalignments restores communication between the two and allows healing to take place.

Now most people, when they think of chiropractic care, typically think of the standard “snap, crackle, and pop” of spinal manipulation that we are all so familiar with.  While that may make a person feel better in some instances—and I certainly have no problem with that—that is not what I do.  What I am looking for, when I examine a patient—abnormalities that affect the heart, lungs, stomach, immune system, reproductive system, health of the skin, eyes, ability to think—cannot be found by touch alone.  These structural problems in the body can only be seen via x-ray.  

Allow me to give you an example that is very near and dear to my heart—the story of Mary’s son.  

He was to be going into first grade when Mary and I got married; however, she had decided to hold him back a year due to him having an extremely tough time learning to read.  He was a bright boy, but he couldn’t tell the difference between the letter “U” and the number “5.”  

I x-rayed him and found that he was ten degrees out of vertical alignment.  This is huge, by the way, for a little five-year-old boy.  I made a series of corrections (small movements, not “adjustments”), which gently place the structures back into position, freeing up the nerves in the brainstem, allowing him to think.   

In one month, he was the top in his class.  He graduated from high school a salutatorian.  

I have countless stories like this one.  85% of the brain’s functioning is information coming INTO the brain.  That information—communication, really—is coming from the body, through the nerves, up through the vertebrae of the neck, and into the brain.  The disruption of these nerves as they pass through these upper cervical vertebrae can cause a whole host of dysfunctions within the body—everything from the body’s ability to regulate blood pressure or sugar levels to the hormonal release that takes place as your body goes through the process of digestion.  

So this is why I am a NUCCA doctor.  Even before your heart begins beating in utero, the nervous system is already being laid out to all the cells of the body.  A misalignment the thinness of a piece of paper has the power to wreak havoc in multiple systems.  Bones hold us up; muscles move the bones; but it’s the nervous system that is the very expression of life.  My job is to free up that expression to allow for true healing to take place, because after all, life isn’t just about staying alive—it’s about really living.

Direct download: 09_Forbidden_Pain_Remedy_9.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:00pm EDT